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Messages - QMax

Pages: [1]
Thanks Fred for your reply.
I just tested with this result:

Fatal error:  Call to undefined function: realpath2() in /membri2/qmax/expose/lightroom/AlbumManager_lr.php on line 246

Can you please open a (free) account on altervista.org to test it ?

Thanks again for your help.


Can someone please help me with this plugin ?
I installed the module on Lightoom and I'm able to select expose4 export.
Then I copied lightroom folder (AlbumManager_lr.php and lightroominterface.php) into the expose folder on Altervista.org server.

I tried to log-in from Lightroom export plugin but it still remain in Loggin in....

Can someone please explain me step by step what files are needed on the server side to use this nice plugin (some  php scrips, album manager for php or anything else) and if are necessary some other operations on Altervista (MySQL database creation) to use php ?

Is there a way to check if these php scripts works using a web browser ?

Many thanks for your help, and sorry if I posted in english but french is really hard for me :-)


Pages: [1]